Dr Beard’s secret to pulling hot biatches!


U know I am an expert with  the ladies + ur all wonderin what my secret is. Well I am here to giv u some tips on gettin women so sit back + listen. I hav been pullin chicks everywhere I go for years and they cant hold themselfs back. I am a very good looking guy (ppl say I look like David Shimmer from Friends) and I dress in all the top names like Burberry and Von Dutch and I wear bling. But that aint enuff to get you to bone loads of hot biatches!

Some of you poncey titmonkeys probably think you look good so you can have any chick then you go upto them and your all like “ooh I’m really into you. You are so hot, you are too good for me, please cut off my balls and make me your biatch!” and you buy em presents and take em for romantic meals.
F A T   B O L L O C K S!!!!!!!!
Yo gotta be a man and put em biatches in their place. You tell em what YOU want and dont take any shiat or games from em and dont giv into their tests. If they try to push you away or act like they aint into you then you have to be a man and TAKE what yo want! Be cocky and funny with them and show em you dont need them!

Say to them “yo biatch, you are ugly anyway and I am too hot for you but I was gonna give you a chance!”

When you say that they will feel bad and will be all over u begging u to show em a good time! Trust me I have done it loads! Treat em mean, keep em keen!

Some of you other ponces wont even approach women. Fockin hell just be a man and grab yo balls! Go on, grab your balls right now and give em a good feel cos you need to be reminded ur a man! I feel my big balls all the time cos it reminds me I am no ponce and I can face anything and no biatch is gonna mess me around!

That’s my secret! Thats why I get laid every day and why I have lots of hot babes after me and why all the men are scared and jealos of me!!

This is me porking one of my birds. The quality is bad cos her camera was broken but she wanted to see my face.


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  1. Dr Beard PUA · November 30, 2014

    Reblogged this on Dr Beard – From Wimp to Pimp.


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