If I wanna make my own film what do I do to get it aired? I am gonna be directing and staring in it as main actor but I need extras and sets and some hot babes.
My idea is really good so I think it will interest loads of people.

I play a cop but I aint like other cops cos I dont play by the rules & im always banging hot babes and I’ve porked all the fit police women. The officers say I am a loose canon and they cant control me and I dont come into work in uniform I come in jeans and my von dutch tshirt and burberry hat.

I’m working on a case with some terorists but one day the sarge says he wants my badge and he’s firing me so I give him my badge and tell him to stick it up his japseye!!

But I carry on working on the case on my own and no one can keep me down. In the end I’ve got all the cops and the terrorists after me and I’m taking them all on at once!

Yeah, sounds good eh? but there’s a twist! I don’t use guns so I have to take them on hand to hand!! Luckily I was trained by this old japanese dude who showed me marital arts tricks no one knows about so I can move faster than anyone and backflip 5 times in the air.

So that’s it. I gotta work out for the movie cos I wanna look muscley like Vin Diesel and show off my body but I will get a trainer to help me.

OR I can be in the new Star Wars movie Force Awakens and I can be the hero who stops Luke from getting raped at the last minute & kicks the bad guys ass with lightsabre nunchuks!!!
What do I do then? Do I make a preview version on camcorder and send it to a movie producers? Anyone who knows hit me up + I’ll remember u when I start making the money.

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