Disarm ur competition with a bollock pop!

Anotha tip from me I been field testing. If you ever have some ponce mackin on your bird just wait till he comes near you then flick his balls. Dont punch or hit hard cos it makes you look like you wanna fight but if u give him a flick it will pop his bollocks and it hurts so bad he wont even be in the mood to go after your chick for the rest of the day!

i tried it out on my mate Kev yesterday. He was digging a hole in his yard and he stopped to have a drink of water so I went upto him and flicked him in one of his bollocks. I pissed myself laughin cos he spit the water and lay down in the soil! It was ages til he got back up and he didn’t even wanna fight me. It was like all his masculinity was gone!

I tried it again on this kid in a shop. He was lookin at a Playstation mag so I walked past him and said “yo mate” he said “what?” and I give him a flick to the bollock! You should hav seen him! What a ponce! He kept saying he needed an ambulance. I couldnt breath cos I was laughin so much!

Be careful tho cos if u dont hit the bollock dead on they wont be hurt and will come after you! So u betta practice on your dog or some little kids first!

This is a wicked way to disarm your opponents tho when u get it right!

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