Dragon Juice

Me and my mates were messing around with a chemistry set and we were working on a chemical to deform some gypsies who stole my mates bikes.

We never worked out how to do it but while we were experimenting we come up with this potion and my mate sniffed it. He said it really burned his throat then everything was fine. I thought I’d give it a sniff too and I did. Then all of a sudden my mate let out this massive snort!! He sounded like a dragon and it was awesome! After a few minutes I did the same. We went down to his mum and in our snorty voice we both said “Record the Simpsons cos we’re going out” and she started whimpering! We scared lots of other people in the street too and one old guy tried to run and fell over. It was hilarious!

We called the stuff Dragon Juice but that aint its real name of course but we cant work out how to make it again. Does anyone here know what chemicals could do something like I’ve described? It would be a massive help and I’d be so happy. Thanks!

Somebody aslo mentioned a potion that can make men impotent or gay and run around like ponces. Do you know how to make that? We could use this on the gypsies and it would be hilarious. I could use it in my pick up game too to get rid of any competition.

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