I got 2 words for ya!!!

So I was chillin with this ho in the park last nite eatim a kabab and drinking cider. She is all over me tryin to feel me up and keeps tryin to kiss me and stuff and I say Let me drink my fockin cider!

She sits there all sad and stuff so I say Look baby, I do u a favour and I stand up and get out my cok right and I say I got 2 words for ya…….


So she starts suckin it while Im drinkin my cider!

A lot of u losers probably go to a chick and let her decide when to give u a blo job right or u r like please will u give me a blo job! but u gotta TELL them biatches and take control like an alpha male!!!

Anyway shes suckin right and this old AFC (AVERAGE FRUSTRATED CHUMP) comes round walkin his dog and hes like what are you doing and stuff. The biatch stops suckin and I tell her to get back down there and carry on and she does.

So Im talking to this loser while a chick is suckin my dik and i tell him what does it look like, u ponce! and I spit my cider right in his fockin face!

He goes off runnin and screaming and says hes gonna call the pigs on me so I throw my cider bottle and even tho he is real far away it lands on his head and breaks!

Then I do the chick from behind!

When I stop I look down and the AFCs dog has eat my fockin kebab!!!! WANKER!!

I was gonna kick his ass but I dont like cruelty to animals!

One comment

  1. Rmax · June 7, 2015

    Hilarious & epic, love the cock in a vacuum post …

    Liked by 1 person

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