Dr Beard’s secret to pulling hot biatches!

Dr Beard - From Wimp to Pimp


U know I am an expert with  the ladies + ur all wonderin what my secret is. Well I am here to giv u some tips on gettin women so sit back + listen. I hav been pullin chicks everywhere I go for years and they cant hold themselfs back. I am a very good looking guy (ppl say I look like David Shimmer from Friends) and I dress in all the top names like Burberry and Von Dutch and I wear bling. But that aint enuff to get you to bone loads of hot biatches!

Some of you poncey titmonkeys probably think you look good so you can have any chick then you go upto them and your all like “ooh I’m really into you. You are so hot, you are too good for me, please cut off my balls and make me your biatch!” and you buy…

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One comment

  1. Mavellian · May 9, 2015

    I have a question. What the fuck are you trying to prove man? Don’t get me wrong i am happy you are trying to do things differently but the direction you are heading is not healthy nor the way. Let me guess you are another guy who thinks he is an “alpha”. First, who the fuck cares how you dress or are good looking, you are a facking man, not a peacock. Only betas care about that shit. Second, sounds like you trying to climb the mountain after realizing some shit= beta. Be chill man. Calm the fuck down. I am not saying this to talk shit but to look out for my brother in humanity. Maybe the reason a lot of ppl make fun of you is because like I said, just by reading, you are trying hard man. Be cool, laid back, move when you need to, speak when you need to, correct when you need to. We ignore small people or laugh off their insults more than be react because we know they are hating and our confidence is impenetrable. We don’t start fights since we don’t feel threatened we own this shit. Betas do that, betas always trying to prove something or knock someone down and for what? We are not jealous either nor envy, we don’t fucking steal hahaha because we have enough resources to get what we want unless the economy and dollar value goes to shit, then we take gruesomely. We don’t chase nor spend our days thinking about pussy because we know it is enslavement instead we dominate pussy. We truly live in our minds in a different world. We do not spend lavishly on fucking clothes like some metro fag but look for long lastibg quality and that is presentable. Bro, wake the fuck up. Delete this message afterwards. Indifference towards betas and females, class not style for men, simple not loud like small men, slow not hurried, active not reactive, chill calm and collected of emotions, beliefs and thoughts. And for fuck sake, dont be stealing shit, it makes you a bum loser of the lower class, not a hardass.


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